Search results for "queen"
Classic Rock
Meet the singer who helped to recreate Freddie’s voice for Queen’s movie
12/08/2018For those who went to the movies to watch Bohemian Rhapsody knows very well how much...
Classic Rock
In his birthday party Ozzy Osbourne had midget, drag queen and more
12/08/2018Ozzy Osbourne has turned 70 on Monday (3), but the party only took place last Thursday...
Classic Rock
Brian May says Queen’s movie would be a disaster with Baron Cohen
12/08/2018The guitarist Brian May spoke in an interview with Classic Rock magazine about “Bohemian Rhapsody”, Queen’s...
Classic Rock
Brian May answers if Freddie would have approved Queen’s movie
12/08/2018In an interview with Classic Rock magazine about “Bohemian Rhapsody”, Queen’s biopic of his co-production with...