Classic Rock
Listen to new Riche Sambora and Orianthi song “Masterpiece”
09/29/2017Two ex-great guitar players from big bands, Richie Sambora was a long time Bon Jovi partner...
Hear new version for Whitesnake’s monster ballad “Here I Go Again”
09/29/2017Until this day Whitesnake‘s self-titled album from 1987 is an incredible commercial success. And one of...
Find out what happened to classic rock band Badfinger
09/28/2017One of the most underrated rock bands of his time, Badfinger unfortunately achieved commercial success too...
Watch Nikki Sixx and Phil Collen talking about riffs
09/28/2017In his Youtube channel, Nikki Sixx is bringing many other fellow rockstars to talk about music...