Search results for "robert plant"
Classic Rock
Rory Gallagher is elected Ireland’s greatest music artist of all time
08/20/2021The legendary Irish guitarist Rory Gallagher, that died at the age of 47 back in 1995...
How Led Zeppelin’s John Paul Jones reacted when he met John Bonham
06/23/2021John Bonham is often considered one of the best drummers of all time that unfortunately died...
Classic Rock
Alice Cooper says Led Zeppelin wouldn’t exist without The Yardbirds
05/14/2021Alice Cooper said in an interview with The Mistress Carrie Podcast that Led Zeppelin wouldn’t exist...
What is Keith Richards opinion on Led Zeppelin and Jimmy Page
04/20/2021Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards is known not only for being an amazing musician but also...