Watch funny video of Peanuts singing ZZ Top’s “La Grange”
06/27/2018If you love Peanuts and ZZ Top this is the video for you! A fan made...
Hear “Thunder Busters” an AC/DC + Ghostbusters mashup
06/27/2018Can you imagine Ray Parker Jr. singing with AC/DC? Well that happened when fans made a...
Watch Full Paul McCartney carpool karaoke with James Corden
06/27/2018Paul McCartney was the attraction of Carpool Karaoke, and perhaps this is the most incredible episode...
Her “Stayin In Black” a Bee Gees + AC/DC mashup
06/27/2018Bee Gees and AC/DC singing together? Well, that’s the ideia in the mashup below “Stayin In Black”...