Classic Rock
Jeff Beck and Johnny Depp releases video for John Lennon cover
Guitarist Jeff Beck joined Johnny Depp for a cover of John Lennon’s classic solo career song “Isolation”. The song was being recorded before the quarantine period that the world is facing against Covid-19. And the duo thought it was perfect time to release the song, since the world is in isolation.
Watch Jeff Beck and Johnny Depp’s official “Isolation” video:
About the song, Jeff Beck said:
“Johnny and I have been working on music together for a while now and we recorded this track during our time in the studio last year. We weren’t expecting to release it so soon but given all the hard days and true ‘isolation’ that people are going through in these challenging times, we decided now might be the right time to let you all hear it. You’ll be hearing more from Johnny and me in a little while but until then we hope you find some comfort and solidarity in our take on this Lennon classic.”
Johnny Depp also talked about the song:
“Jeff Beck and I recorded this song Isolation last year, as our take on a beautiful John Lennon tune. Lennon’s poetry – ‘We’re afraid of everyone. Afraid of the Sun!’ – seemed to Jeff and me especially profound right now, this song about isolation, fear, and existential risks to our world. So we wanted to give it to you, and hope it helps you make sense of the moment or just helps you pass the time as we endure isolation together.”