Classic Rock
Foo Fighters will take a break but has plans for the future
The Foo Fighters will take a break. After more than a year on the road with the Concrete And Gold album tour, Dave Grohl’s band will rest and move away from the stage, since it has been a long way from home.
But the group will not put their foot on the brakes completely, since the vocalist, guitarist and main songwriter of the band has already revealed that they have plans for the next album in conversation with the podcast Chart Beat, of Billboard.
Read what he said:
“It’s a challenge, you know? You kind of set these goals for yourself, to see if you can do it again, even when you’re crawling to the finish line you know that it’s there. So here we are at the last set of shows we’ve been on for a year and a half and I’m ready to take a break but I’m ready to do it again at some point.
When we start making records it’s almost like I don’t hear the song as much as I can see them, in my head. So I don’t read music, I see music in kind of shapes and patterns, so I can see the next record, I know that there is another one there, I don’t know when but I think I know what we should do. We’ve been lucky, we’ve had this lightning rod that we’ve followed for fucking twenty four years, or whatever and it takes us where we think we should go.”
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