Classic Rock
Dave Grohl explains why he didn’t wrote songs on Nirvana
Dave Grohl explained why he didn’t wrote songs on Nirvana In an interview with CBS’s Sunday Morning program.
Read what he said:
“When I recorded what became Foo Fighters’ first album, I didn’t think it was a record. I wanted to get up, get out and touch something, even if no one had ever heard it.
Long before that, I recorded songs by myself and never let anyone listen because I didn’t really think they were good. I didn’t like my voice, I didn’t think I was a good songwriter. And I was in a band with one of the greatest composers of our generation […].
But there was someone i knew from Seattle. After Kurt Cobain died, he wrote me a card: ‘I know you do not feel it now, but someday the song will come back and heal you.’ ”
Grohl continued “I wish I could sing like John Lennon, Adele or Josh Groban or whatever. But, you know, I was raised in a really dissident, noisy, crazy punk rock. So many of my favorite vocalists, most people would not consider singers. They just flicker, just scream. The passion in this is what I most enjoyed because I find beauty in imperfection and it’s something I love in our band. ”