Classic Rock
Beatles releases HD clip of “Blue Jay Way” for George Harrison’s birthday
The Beatles Youtube channel just uploaded an HD version for the classic song “Blue Way Jay” for George Harrison’s birthday. The musician would turn 75.
Check it out:
“All things must pass, all things must pass away” said George Harrison in one his most famous solo career songs, but his music never passed away, and keeps being the soundtrack to millions of people around the world. It can makes us happy, dance or even cry. The amazing sound and lyrics he gave us continues to be part of our lives and giving us always more strength and courage to endure everything we face in life.

George Harrison in Cannes (1976) * Credit All Uses © Retna Ltd.
He told us that his “guitar gently weeps”, he questioned “what is life” and he gave us hope making us believe more in spirituality telling that we were “Brainwashed” by everything in the material world, forgetting about god.
George Harrison left us 16 years ago, on November 29, 2001. The legendary guitarist, singer-songwriter, and producer died in 2001, with only 58 years old, from lung cancer that was attributed to years of cigarette smoking. His remains were cremated and the ashes were scattered according to Hindu tradition in a private ceremony in the Ganges and Yamuna rivers in India. He left an estate of almost £100 million.
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