With the release of their groundbreaking album "Nevermind" in 1991, Nirvana made Grunge one of the most promising Rock and Roll subgenres in the world, changing completely the music business at the time. Many people even said that it helped to "kill" Heavy Metal music. However, for example, Kurt Cobain was a huge fan of Metallica and the members of the Metal band also loved Nirvana. In an interview with The Metallica Report, the band's guitarist Kirk Hammett recalled which was Kurt Cobain's favorite song of the group. Kirk Hammett recalls which was Kurt Cobain's favorite Metallica song "I said (to him when he went to see us), 'I don't know if we're going to play 'Ride the Lightning', but we played Whiplash. The whole time we were playing 'Whiplash', Kurt was trying to get my attention." "I only found out afterward from some friends who were in the snakepit saying 'God, when you guys played 'Whiplash', Kurt went insane and he was trying to get your attention the whole time.' I was like 'Really?' I know that's his favorite Metallica song, but wow.'" "Kurt was great. He was such a great mellow guy and very fragile and vulnerable. But, at the same time, man, he had this great wit. He was a funny guy," Kirk Hammett said. Just one month before "Nevermind" was released , the Thrash Metal band had released their best-selling album “Metallica” (1991). The record was one of the few Metal albums released during that time that had a big impact in the Rock and Roll scene. 3 years later, Nirvana’s career was cut short due to Kurt Cobain’s tragic death in 1994 at the age of 27. But the band’s legacy and influence continued, making them one of the best-selling bands of all time with more than 75 million records sold. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oJhR7nex47w&pp=ygURd2hpcGxhc2ggbXRhbGxpY2E%3D