The story of Supertramp’s “Give a Little Bit” told by Roger Hodgson

Roger Hodgson

Photo by Richard Bain

Written by the singer and multi-instrumentalist Roger Hodgson, the hit “Give a Little Bit” was released by Supertramp in 1977 on their fifth album “Even in the Quietest Moments…” It became one of their most famous tracks and at the time peaked at number 15 on the United States Billboard Pop Singles chart and 29 at the United Kingdom Singles chart.

But what was the inspiration behind that track? Rock and Roll Garage selected what Hodgson said about what influenced him to write the song. Curiously, it was a Beatles song.

The story of SupertrampT’s “Give a Little Bit” told by Roger Hodgson

In an interview posted on his official Youtube channel (Transcribed by Rock and Roll Garage), Roger Hodgson said that it was after hearing The Beatles track “All You Need is Love” that he decided to write ‘Give a Little Bit’. That track made him realize how powerful a message is inside a song.

“(I wrote) ‘Give a Little Bit” (at the age of 18, 19). I think I’ve been very affected by The Beatles at that time. (So) I mean, if I have to think about one song that really touched me and made me realize, yet again, the power of music and how it could change the world was ‘All You Need Is Love’.”

He continued:

“I think that ‘Give a Little Bit’ maybe was my version of that in a way. It’s a very simple song, it’s actually for me, maybe my favorite song that I’ve ever written, because it’s such a timeless message. Is very simple and yet is very powerful at the same time.”

“I love singing it today, especially in concert, because it’s about reaching out, giving and caring. Somehow, when you look out and see thousands of people singing it with you, the spirit of the song just takes on a life of its own. It’s very powerful,” Roger Hodgson said.

Roger said that it is the song that makes me people smile at his concerts

In another interview posted on his official Youtube channel (Transcribed by Rock and Roll Garage), Roger was asked to pick one song that makes people get excited and happy in his shows. The one he said that definitely change their faces and make them smile is ‘Give a Little Bit’.

“If I had to choose one song, I have to say ‘Give a Little Bit’. There’s something about that song. The moment I start playing it, I can see people’s faces just light up. It’s almost like they want to put their arms around each other. It really does bring out the heart in people and I think in concerts. I mean, people want to be taken somewhere.”

He continued:

“They come from stressed out work or wherever they come from. They drive all that distance to go to a show to be given something. To me, ‘Give a Little Bit’ gives them something. Maybe it’s a culmination of all the songs. But then finishing with that one just opens them right up and it’s just the perfect song to go home with,” Roger Hodgson said.

Rafael Polcaro: I'm a Brazilian journalist who always loved Classic Rock and Heavy Metal music. That passion inspired me to create Rock and Roll Garage over 6 years ago. Music has always been a part of my life, helping me through tough times and being a support to celebrate the good ones. When I became a journalist, I knew I wanted to write about my passions. After graduating in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, I pursued a postgraduate degree in digital communication at the same institution. The studies and experience in the field helped me improve the website and always bring the best of classic rock to the world! MTB: 0021377/MG