More than four decades after the original mockumentary released in 1984, "Spinal Tap" will have a sequel with many special cameos, like Paul McCartney and Elton John. The movie has the original cast back and will have Rob Reiner again as the director. Reiner revealed in an interview with Empire which is the plot of the long-awaited sequel. Rob Reiner reveals the plot of 'Spinal Tap 2' “Nigel has been running a cheese and guitar shop in Berwick-upon-Tweed. He’s also been performing with a local folk band in the village that play penny whistle and mandolin, and he plays electric guitar with them. We show a little clip of that." “David St. Hubbins has been living in Morro Bay in California, and he’s been writing music for podcasts, particularly this one true-crime podcast called 'The Trouble With Murder.' He also writes the music that you hear when you’re on hold on the phone." Rob Reiner continued: “Derek is living in London and is now the curator of the New Museum of Glue. He’s curated glue from every country in the world – the whole history of glue – and he shows me around. He’s also been performing with a philharmonic orchestra, and he’s written this kind of symphony about the fact that the devil wears a bad hair piece. It’s called Hell Toupée.” “[W]e came up with this idea that Ian Faith (Actor who was the band's manager and died recently) had willed his daughter, Hope, this contract that called for one more performance. “She thinks initially, ‘Well, this is not really worth anything.’ But then some big music star, while screwing around at a sound check, is filmed on an iPhone singing a Tap song, and it goes wild on social media. All of a sudden, the contract is worth something," Rob Reiner said. The original Spinal Tap cast had Christopher Guest, Michael McKean and Harry Shearer. It cost around 2 million dollars and made 4.7 million dollars only in North America. Although it wasn’t a blockbuster, it became a cult-following movie and is often mentioned by famous artists as one of their favorite movies. Besides the soundtrack of the movie released in 1984, the band also released two other albums over the years. One in 1992 called “Break Like the Wind” and the other “Back From The Dead” In 2009.