On a interview with The Sunday Time, legendary Guns N’ Roses guitarist, Slash, talked about the reason why he uses his top hat. He said that he is not comfortable looking fans in the eyes while performing. See this part of the interview below: Since the start of your career, you have been known for your black top hat. It has become as recognizable as, for example, John Lennon's glasses. Where did you and your top hat meet and how on earth does it stay on your head when you rock out on stage? "I do not really know how I do it but my hat just always stays on, yeah. I realize it has become a very recognizable look, yet it was never planned. "Early in my career, I was always on the lookout for a cool hat to complete my stage wardrobe. In 1985, we were playing the Whisky a Go Go [in West Hollywood] and I went to Melrose Boulevard in Los Angeles, where I spotted this top hat in the window of a store called Retail Slut. "I went inside and checked it out and thought it looked really cool, so I got it. In the vintage shop right next door, called Leathers & Treasures, I got a concert belt that I cut up and put around the hat. That became my hat and I wore it that night for the first time at that gig. "From that night on, my hat became something that I feel comfortable in. "It has also become something I can hide behind, as even though I love performing, I have never been good at looking into the eyes of the audience who are watching me. So, my hat and my hair in my face has just been my thing ever since." See more News