Paramount Pictures released new photos of "Rocketman," Elton John's biopic. With Taron Egerton (Kingsman, Robin Hood) in the lead role, the film debuts on May 30. The images highlight Elton John in various contexts during the 1970s. One of the photos in particular draws attention for bringing an iconic moment in the singer's career: the show he performed at Dodger Stadium in Los Angeles in 1975. See the images below: "Rocketman" is directed by Dexter Fletcher, the same that completed the work of "Bohemian Rhapsody" Queen's biopic after the resignation of Bryan Singer. The film also has executive production of Elton John himself and model Claudia Schiffer, as well as production of David Furnish, John's husband. In addition to Taron Egerton, the cast includes Jamie Bell (Bernie Taupin), Richard Madden (entrepreneur John Reid) and Bryce Dallas Howard (Sheila Eileen Dwight, mother of Elton John). Watch the teaser trailer below: The film will focus on Elton John’s beginnings, starting when he was a prodigy at the Royal Academy of Music and carrying over to when he reached global stardom through his influential and enduring musical partnership with his songwriting collaborator Bernie Taupin. It will look at the performer’s life past the glitter saturated image we have grown so accustomed to associating with the performer. See more News