After attacks Dee Snider defends more gun control in USA

Dee Snider gun controlDee Snider gun control

In less than a day, two attacks in the US left 29 dead and dozens injured. In El Paso, Texas, a gunman opened fire as customers crowded a Walmart store during the busy back-to-school shopping season on Saturday morning, leaving 20 people dead and 26 others injured. Just hours after the El Paso attack, a mass shooting in Dayton, Ohio, left at least nine people dead and 26 injured. Dee Snider, lead singer of Twisted Sister, went to his Twitter to comment. The musician said, among other things, that something must be done with gun laws, and that arming the general population didn’t work in the city of El Paso.

He said:

“As a 2nd Amendment supporter & a concealed carrier I have to say something must be done with our gun laws. “Arming the general populace” didn’t work in El Paso. That city has open carry, concealed carry & campus carry – it is gunned up. It did NOTHING to stop the mass shooting.”

Alex Skolnick also talked about the matter:

Testament guitarist Alex Skolnick, who had already harshly criticized US arms laws, replied a “fan” that said to Alex “… stick to [your] music” and that “The problems are much deeper than weapons and ‘control’.” Categorically, Skolnick explained his point.

“I don’t see how it affects your rights if the kind of high-powered weapon used today in El Paso – and so many other mass shootings that are becoming a regular occurrence – is treated like an airplane, requiring training, licensing, habilitation and not purchased quite easily in some states …

Alex continued: “… You must have to gain this privilege for such weapons. But if anyone has a manifesto to kill as many people as you don’t like (and the suspect in Texas) and openly compliments other mass murderers like New Zealand shooter (as the Texas suspect did on social media), Sorry, he shouldn’t have the right to own one of those high-powered weapons of war … ”

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Rafael Polcaro: I'm a Brazilian journalist who always loved Classic Rock and Heavy Metal music. That passion inspired me to create Rock and Roll Garage over 6 years ago. Music has always been a part of my life, helping me through tough times and being a support to celebrate the good ones. When I became a journalist, I knew I wanted to write about my passions. After graduating in journalism from the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais, I pursued a postgraduate degree in digital communication at the same institution. The studies and experience in the field helped me improve the website and always bring the best of classic rock to the world! MTB: 0021377/MG